Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloweenie was a success!

Halloween was pretty successful.  Still need to work on some cart issues, but we sold quite a bit of product.  Would have loved to do better, but there were 3 other people selling hot dogs.  Made some fans and those people will be back to eat lunch with us.

Here are some pics of the event, my new cart, and myself:




So those are some action shots of last nights event.  I'm very tired now and will try to rest some tomorrow.  Still have to do some more setup in the dinning area, but should be able to get it done pretty soon.  Still pushing to open on Monday.

Going to replace the controls for my electric cart.  Can't really tell when it is on high and when it is on low.  Just going to replace them and rewire the cart.  I should be able to do it with little problem since I am getting pretty good at doing electrical work.  Going to try and get some guitar or amp knobs for the controls.

Need to get another refrigerator.  The buckets of pickles really take all of the room in the one we have now.  Might look for a prep refrigerator like sandwich shops and pizza places have.  That would allow me to store the big items and then put the daily condiments in the top part.  Now we have to find one for a reasonable price.

Going to bed.  It is 1:11am and Halloween is over....Tomorrow is another day to Rock!


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